Thursday, December 14, 2006

Trying to be an Adult

I was watching an episode from the first season of Grey's Anatomy. (There's been so much hype about the show that I figure I'd check it out. So far the series has been entertaining.) In any case, in this particular episode, the title character was bemoaning and comparing the responsibilities an adult has versus when she was a kid. I think I can relate with that. It seems that as we get older and become more involved in certain aspects of daily living, that it's inevitable that we accumulate responsibilities for various things.

We need to make sure our bills are paid on time. We need to ensure that our rent or mortgages are paid. We need to make sure our pets (or kids) are fed and cared for. We need to keep in mind of so many things! I don't remember having so many responsibilities as a kid. All I remember was that I had to make sure I got my homework done and bring home good grades. That was pretty much it.

Tonight I have a condo association meeting. Next week I have to see the notary about my mortgage. When did I grow up?

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