Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Wonders of Roomba

I like my Roomba. It vacuums for me when I don't have the time for it. It will even vacuum for me more often than I would! But I just hate it when something gets caught in it. :-p

I guess I am a geek for gadgets. But practical gadgets mind you. They need to serve a practical purpose before I decide to plunk some money down on it. Some people hire a cleaning person to come by once a week to clean their homes. I don't think my place is big enough to warrant that. Plus, I don't think I could afford it. My one-time investment on the Roomba is doing just fine. All I have left to do is clean the bathrooms and mop the floors.

I finally got rid of the stationary bike. Since I've been using my road bike on a trainer instead, the stationary is redundant. So one of the guys at work bought it and picked it up today. This freed up a nice chunk of space for me. I ended up re-arranging some stuff around. I find that I still need to de-clutter. I've also got these two bedside lamps I'd like to get rid of. They're black with black lampshades. My previous ex had decided on the black. :-p I've posted them for sale at work. No takers yet. I'll have to freshen up that post to stir up some interest. I just want to get rid of them! I managed to get rid of the papasan chair frame. I've just got the cushion to dispose of. *sigh*

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