Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Why? I think this is a sad state of affairs when someone has decided to try to make a profit so that others can try to look popular. First of all, I am not a huge fan of I know that some people use it to promote themselves (such as artists and musicians). Other people seem to use it to keep in touch with friends. But then, this means people "add" other people to they "space" as "friends". And some people seem to have hundreds of "friends". And just how many of these friends are really friends at all? It just seems like a huge popularity contest. So what if you have hundreds of "friends". What does that mean? And some of these people on myspace. You look at their suggestive photos and you wonder just what kind of friends are they looking for in mspace. Then there's the issue of safety for minors who use myspace...

Anyway, that's just my rant...

I have a little shindig planned for Saturday evening. I will need to clean up the place a bit starting tonight. It's not that the place is a huge mess, but there's some clutter that needs to be sorted out and such. *sigh* Plus, I think the Roomba needs to be cleaned too. I might just have a simple supper tonight.

I'm still a bit frustrated and exasperated with those sites. My visits to them are still very brief. I don't think I will login to them at all tonight. It's just not worth the time and energy anymore. :-p

So this is Wednesday...

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