Thursday, December 14, 2006

Who says I'm Old??

I guess I should make it a habit to record any noteworthy thoughts as they come along. However, it's a bit diffciult to do when you're at work trying to do work and not updating your blog.

The thought that just came to mind is about age. I was just reading an entry in Matthew Good's blog (No, Shawn! I am NOT stalking him! Sheesh! I read your blog, does that mean I'm stalking you? ;-) ). I sometimes laugh to myself when he refers to himself "in his old age". He's only a few years younger than I, but he's probably experienced more than I have. I suppose how old you are or how you feel could depend on how much you've experienced in your lifetime to date. On the other hand, I also believe that you're only as old as you feel or act. Most of the time I don't think I act like a 38-year old. Or for that matter, how is a 38-year old suppose to act?

It's funny to note that whenever I do end up discussing age with people, most of the time they think I'm much younger than I am. Must be the being asian thing. :-p But with my re-emerging grays, I think I will be found out soon!

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